Friday, March 20, 2009

Research Paper Due....

Monday, March 23rd, 2009. This means printed out and organized as you walk into class. If you are late, the paper is late.

All MLA guidelines must be followed. Please take note of them. If they are not followed, I will not accept the paper and your paper will bve considered late. The only exceptions to the MLA format are that you can single space the Annotated Works Cited & Consulted to save some paper. Also, I do not want any images in the body of the paper--I want them before your first page.

The paper must be a minimum of 8 pages--this means the eighth page is filled, and no, the Works Cited and Consulted do not count.

Order of things to be held together by a paper clip:
  • Images
  • Your Paper
  • Works Cited
  • Works Consulted
  • Rubric (see previous post and print out--if you don't print out, you will not receive comments.)

Good luck, and work hard...


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